A Patron Saint named Outstanding Book


PSThe Wisconsin Library Association has chosen A Patron Saint for Junior Bridesmaids as an Outstanding Book for 2017.

I’m thrilled to be recognized by librarians in my home state for a book that’s so close to my heart.

I started writing Patron Saint 15 years ago. There were times I wanted to rip it to shreds, throw it away and never think about it again. I never dreamed I’d finish it, let alone get it published and be recognized for it.

Patience. Persistance. Faith.

Struggling writers, hang in there.

It happens.


1 thought on “A Patron Saint named Outstanding Book

  1. Karen grubb

    I knew you would finish it because the harder something is the more determined you become. I loved the book but I am a little bias being I am your mother. I hope lots of people read it because it is very good and I think everyone would enjoy it. Keep up with your dream.


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